Facebook’s Compassion Research 2015

Compassion Day at Facebook

Facebook’s 5th Annual Compassion Research Day

This week in SF/Silicon Valley is Wisdom Week,  a week filled with lectures around the S.F. Bay Area focused on living well by feeling connected with each other in our hectic daily lives.  Several tech industry leaders spoke and hosted the series of conferences, and workshops to inspire and engage in an accessible and inclusive way. I was lucky enough to get my ticket for the free sold out event held at Facebook several weeks in advance. If you missed it, don’t worry, you can see the entire event here.

The 5th Annual Compassion Research Day was a day of sharing and conversation about what Facebook and the experts they work with on a daily basis have learned in the last year about what happens when you apply the science of how people relate to each other to social technology.


I was a bit skeptical about Facebook’s day of compassion event, I thought it was going to be marketing fluff with the emphasis of purchasing more ads, but my attitude disappeared as soon as the lecture dove into the data of their research, here’s the list of the following topics covered:

  • Connecting People who Care: Helping Facebook Members in Crisis
  • The Dangerous Side of Language
  • Language matters: Communicating Compassion on Facebook
  • The Science of Awe and Happiness
  • Addressing Death on Facebook: Honoring the memories of loved ones and caring for the needs of the bereaved
  • Emotions Without Borders: Supporting Teens Around the World
  • Youth Panel from Edna Brewer Middle School of Oakland, CA

I sat and engaged with idealistic people from all over the world: educators, psychologist, and even a hardware engineer from a local Silicon Valley company who wanted to glean ideas on how to encourage compassion to his development team at work. There’s something missing in our daily life, what is it? Together, over a delicious international cafeteria style lunch, we sat beside each other, made new friends and exchanged ideas on how to form a better, perhaps more inclusive community.

Facebook’s Hacker street may resemble Disneyland’s Main Street, and the idealism doesn’t stop there. As Facebook evolves into a mature utility product, I felt a lot better knowing the amount of thought that goes into their products. My inner skeptic was suspended for a moment. That quiet moment of universal peace and altruism drove off the parking lot when I hit the Willow/101 Southbound traffic. Maybe we could use a Monorail in Silicon Valley.

I love Facebook. Thank you for teaching me how to boost my happiness, and how we all want to share a common narrative and dialogue of caring, I felt that during the event.

SV Forum, Tech Women: Women In Space

SV Forum is devoted to creating connections and providing education to the Silicon Valley ecosystem of innovators, entrepreneurs, and business professionals participating in emerging technologies.

Created SV Forum Tech Women Facebook Page

Created SV Forum Tech Women Facebook Page


As the Director of Marketing for SV Forum Tech Women, I knew we could extend our reach and interest with new and current members by using Facebook as our platform, but I wanted to do something more.

I wanted to show our ‘friends’ on our page what a fun, dynamic and diverse group of technical women we are in Silicon Valley while also showing a bit of our smart panel discussions.




I produced and edited this video (including photography) for the SV Forum Tech Women event, Women In Space featuring panelists Celeste Volz Ford, Founder/Chief Executive Officer Stellar Solutions, Darlene Lim, Geobiologist, NASA Ames Research Center, and Khaki Rodway, Director- Payload Sales & Operations, XCor. Irene Koehler, Almost Savvy was moderator.


We thank Apigee for being our gracious host this month.



The SV Forum Tech Women video was embedded in Facebook (not from the YouTube url). The result is better since there’s an auto playback feature and the preview image is present.


  • SV Forum Tech Women encourages women–and men who support the advancement of women!–in tech and engineering fields, helping to create an environment of empowerment in which women and girls can achieve results beyond their wildest expectations. Please feel free to contact me to learn more about Tech Women and SVForum and how you can join us!


The Overview of Content Strategy: How Do I Add VALUE

Before I begin any project we have to think about the specific audience you wish to appeal to and what value will this new information bring. I ask these questions to my clients because your customers are being bombarded by online messages constantly (though email, snail mail, television, social media platforms) and if the content is not useful, or is not relevant to their current needs your message will be lost, ignored or worse, you’ll be placed in their spam folder.

When creating content marketing strategy consider the following:

  1. Who is your target audience? What position are the decision makers? Is it B2B or B2C?
  2. What do your customers/audience want? What are their needs in the near future?
  3. What are their goals?
  4. How can we help them? What information can we share to help them come up with a solution.

Once we answer these preliminary questions we can figure out how to add value to their business and focus the best medium to use. Many corporate companies have been using white papers and case studies as examples for their customers on their websites, but the growth of on demand video and mobile video views have been increasing and social platform viewing of videos (such as on Facebook pages) and YouTube channels have been giving SEO boosts to company websites. The strength of storytelling using video not only establishes the customer as a thought leader but it helps convey several intangible things such as the company culture, the attitude of the company crew & executives, and values. People skills will add warmth and familiarity to any potential customer or buyer of a product and service. When people buy a product, they buy a brand, a culture, a lifestyle and it’s that promise that you are offering to them that will be conveyed in video.

Here’s an example of a project which we created to help educate our customers about the installation process while also demonstrating who are our customers.

 [Click to play “Scope of Work” video]

Video & Mobile Culture Is Here To Stay

As videos being post online has become a fast growing trend, Pew research states that the number of users who upload or post videos online has doubled in the past four years, “from 14% in 2009 to 31% today”. That means  video-sharing sites like Google’s YouTube have been the driving the popularity of online adults who download, upload and watch videos.

Videos on YouTube are helping celebrities such as Ellen DeGeneres  on how to select programming of her show.  DeGeneres and her producers at Warner Bros. have been mining the Internet to benefit popularity by social research. Not only does social media analytic help determine programming, but by quantifying  the popularity of viewership the television producers can glean who are their target (age/sex) audience  and monetize the next generation of Ellen fans using the advertising revenue with YouTube.  Seems that Ellen will  continue dancing for several more seasons by mining the numbers on all her social platforms.

Ellen Degeneres’ celebrity selfie took down Twitter with 3.3 billion impressions during the 86th Academy Awards.

As popularity of mobile continues to grow 23% of adults who post videos online do so using a mobile app such as Vine & Instagram.

The increasing popularity of social networking sites and the proliferation of cell phones have helped spur the growing online video culture.

Not surprising, the difference of age varies the content consumption;  yet of the the adult recording and creating video content themselves (18%) when posting their own videos online (58%), users most commonly share mundane things such as friends, family doing funny things (56%) and events they attend (54%). [Pew research, Oct 2013This would seem to suggest an excellent growth opportunity for those markets to utilize mobile and mobile apps for marketing events.

Vlogging for Business

Help engage your audience into your active sales cycle by speaking directly to them and make them a fan, not a customer.

Vlogging helps create a personal direct connection with your customers and creates a point person to identify thought leadership and expertise in your given field.

Your customers will develop a personal connection and will be able to relate and feel comfortable if there are any questions about the product or service.

Consider vlogging for quicker communication prior to an event.

Show the product or service, invite, and encourage others to share their thoughts and your content with their customers.

Some things to think about before you start a business vlog: What is your goal?  Who is your target audience? How is it best to reach them? How will you distribute the content and how will you measure success?

Speak directly and naturally to the camera and be your authentic-self! Creating a script and storyboard before the shoot is helpful to all involved.


Do you have a question? Feel free to contact me here.

VFMM Conference Project

Krill Systems, Krill Days Events

KrillSystems.com,  Krill Days Events

Krill Systems decided to host a conference focusing on our vendor partners and invite all our current customers as well as potential customers. I was responsible for scheduling, producing and editing video invites that were embedded in the above eNewsletter.

Why Choose Video Shorts?

Videos have tripled in the last year with the average CTR for mobile video is rising from 3.73 percent in the fourth quarter of 2012 to 13.64 percent in the third quarter of 2013. And with more companies such as Vine and Instagram gaining millions of users and shares, brands account for 40% of the 1,000 most shared Instagram videos last month according to an Unruly report. The short form video has arrived and there are social platforms which love to share your event.



  • Event planner and event marketing including video interviews of all guest speakers.
  • Event coordinator role including budget planning,  conference room AV/food catering/guest check-ins/collateral of vendors.
  • Produced and edited the embedded videos (see below) for eNewsletter invites.
  • Pre-event, real-time social monitoring and post event follow up on all distribution platforms.
  • Monitoring channels.


  • Adobe suite: Photoshop, Illustrator, Fireworks.
  • WordPress
  • Google Analytics
  • Premiere

Promotional interview with vendor videos here.

Social Media Workshops

Over the past ten years I have leveraged my graduate degree in digital media I have advised many organizations and individuals with their social media strategy. I enjoy volunteering and have helped many non-profits over the years.

  • Situation: The executives on the Board were very apprehensive with social media  and the club’s use of having a digital online presence. They understood that they needed a way to disseminate information to their members yet they wanted to retain control. Many club members’ reason for joining was to network and to discuss industry news but there were no opportunities beyond the club’s monthly onsite luncheons and discussions were time limited.
  • Solution: I recommended LinkedIn as their platform for communications.  I established and managed a private club LinkedIn group and taught the board members the importance of having a profile. The club’s website was used for general information and blog for current events but the private LinkedIn group was only for club members where anyone could bring up discussions without non-members prying eyes. Below one of the presentations which I gave to the Board.

  • Result: It was the beginning of a new era for the maritime members to create a new profile! Using a laptop I demonstrated to them, step-by-step, with instructions on how to create a new member profile. They were grateful and then could participate and freely network within a closed/private platform yet still be open to have new contacts.

Seattle MaritimeFest Vignettes

The Downtown Seattle Waterfront is the place to be for the annual Seattle Maritime Festival, sponsored by Seattle Propeller Club with support from the Port of Seattle. This year’s 2011 festival celebrated the Centennial of the Port of Seattle. Demonstrations of Seattle’s workboats is important for public relations in understanding what the maritime community does for Seattle commerce. Without capturing the event (via video production and images) the celebration would cease after the show. Social media strategies were set in place to disperse content as quickly as possible and archiving content is essential.

Here are a few Seattle Maritime Fest video vignettes during the week events which I produced and edited for the Seattle Propeller Club. A few of the videos were redistributed for circulation by the media and were well received by the maritime community.

The USCG Aircrew 6574 performed their sea & air helicopter rescue on “Sponge Bob” at the Seattle Maritime Festival/

The 14th Annual Celebrity Chowder Cook-Off took place on May 10th at the World Trade Center Holland American Dining Room. Jim Dever (KING TV’s Evening Magazine), Rachel Belle (97.3 KIRO FM), Ann Peavey (@SeattleMaven/Seattle Convention and Visitors Bureau), Mark Knudsen (SSA Marine/Seattle Maritime Festival Chairman) and Marc Warner (Legros Buchanan & Paul/President of Seattle Propeller Club) were the judges of the participating waterfront restaurants.

A narrative recap of the tugboats on parade at the Seattle Maritime Festival, May 14, along the downtown Seattle Waterfront. Tugboats included in this video: Andrew Foss, Triton and Crowley.

Watch more Seattle Maritime Fest videos on the Seattle Propeller Club YouTube Channel

Here are my photos from the event.

Day of Caring with Hepatitis Education Project

This year I proudly represented Krill Systems and participated with NPowerNW & the United Way of King County to offer Social Media Coaching; It was just one of the projects available during the combined September 16 “Day of Caring” event. I was one of 25 recruited social media “mavens” (cough, cough) to volunteer as coach for 25 non-profit organizations that need help taking their social media practices to the next level. It was great to team up with Maureen Oscadal, Program Director of Hepatitis Education Project of Seattle. Here’s a little video which we created while we shared the day!

The party music was thumping at the United Way’s After Party in Seattle.

Microsoft gave generous matching gifts and there were over 120 companies volunteering at different non-profits across Seattle. Volunteer activities ranged from setting up computer networks, painting, weeding, and assembling furniture. One guy I spoke with told me his job was to pour kitty litter in buckets of old used paint! He said it wasn’t so bad. The after party attendees entered drawings for terrific prizes such as free smartphones and a cruise from Holland America!

Everyone I spoke to at the after party was very happy to share the day with the greater community. There was synergy between all the  ‘happy shiny people’ around the room as everyone recounted their stories of the day (and drinking a brew or two while noshing on some treats).  It feels good to exchange and share new experiences. The simple act of caring for one another is so powerful. Let’s do this again next year!

Here’s the United Way of King County’s photostream