Seattle Seafarers’ Center is a non-profit that provides social services to meet the practical and spiritual needs of seafarers and maritime workers living and visiting Seattle. With lack of staff and zero funds to create awareness and publicity in the Seattle maritime community, the decision was to create a narrative story from the Chaplin’s point of view as he represents the center and the mission.
Home From The Sea from Lynne Watanabe on Vimeo.
The deliverable for this project involved story development, research and reporting as well as video and sound production, distribution and online digital marketing. The goal was to achieve more visibility and greater understanding to seafarers around the world. Deserving respect and recognition for making great sacrifices and take risks in the high seas, dealing with issues such as piracy, the video was timely and redistributed around the world in honor of commemorating the International Maritime Organization (IMO) “Day of the Seafarer”.